In Zhytomir sharing of expertise based on family doctors standards is central. Doctors of the city children’s hospital and the associated poli clinics take a four-hour training.
Basis of such a training is an into Russian translated standard. In April 2015 Henk van Schothorst gave four trainings for a total of 58 doctors.sen. In the training diagnostics and treatment of Otitis media acuta (children) was the main issue.
Autumn 2015 the next series of trainings will be held bases on the standard ‘Investigation of the newly-borns’. The trainigs will be concluded by awarding a certificate, recognized by the Ukrainian government.
Short report:
During a four-hour training the Dutch Bas van Leeuwen (hearing care) and Henk van Schothorst (family doctor) suggest very concrete learning objectives. What is the efficiency for the Ukrainian doctors ? After having taken the course they are able :
- to diagnose Otitis media with children
- to give advice
- to give treatment if required
- to register, evaluate and share expertise
Before the ‘real’ training starts, the Ukrainian doctors do a pre-test whereby they themselves get insight in their expertise of the subject.
Question ?
What is the Ring of Waldeyer?
A case ?
A mother comes to surgery with a four-year old with pain in the ear. What do you want to know ?
After explanation about the disease a number of cases follow and after that some explanation. An example of an extensive case:
Mother Johnson comes to surgery with her 18 months-old daughter Jane. The last three months Jane seems to hear not properly. The hearing screening test (in the first year) was normal with Jane. During otoscopic examination the doctor sees air bubbles behind the eardrums on either side. She diagnoses otitis media with effusion. Is this diagnosis to make with certainty ?
And then comes practice on each other. In Dutch refresher courses quite normal but not so in Ukraine ! After practice the participants get a post-test, the same as at the beginning. To see whether there were results!

At the moment the Dutch standard ‘investigation newly-borns’ is being translated into Russian.
In autumn we start refresher courses of district- and country doctors in the Kiev region, in which the Dutch standards will be the guidelines. .
We also have talks about the use of standards in the Netherlands with the Shupyk National Medical Academy in Kiev. The institution develops the bulk of the government recognized trainings and refresher courses for doctors.
We aim at refresher courses within this institute in which the Dutch standards are used as guidelines to improve in this way the Ukrainian health care.